To log out of your account from all the devices, you need to have an internet connection. Log Out Of Spotify Account On All Devices 1 Log Out Of Spotify Account On All Devices.You may also like: How To Stop Spotify From Opening On Startup So in this article, we are going to show how you can log someone out of your Spotify account from everywhere remotely and prevent this from happening. Moreover, that person is using your Spotify account. Well, the only reason for these things is when your Spotify account is also opened in some other device. Now how can these types of things occur? Obviously there can’t be such a massive glitch with the app.

Not only that but you can see some playlists on the account that you never made. There are also chances that the song suddenly changes while the user is listening to Spotify.

Some notice their account playing a particular song in some other device while others notice the song playing on their own device automatically. Many Spotify users frequently experience strange behavior on their Spotify app. But keeping all these good things aside, there are some big problems too that quite a lot of users face sometimes. Be it setting of Spotify songs as your alarm tone or getting the lyrics of songs, the Spotify community keeps on working to make the user experience better. There are a number of amazing things that you can do using Spotify. Spotify is an app that is worthy of all the praise.